Starting in 1905, William Jennings Bryan took his family travelling around both the country and the world. He spoke in many different settings, preaching Social Gospel and Applied Christianity, the application of Jesus's teachings to society and economy. Bryan associated privilege, corruption, and big money with the Antichrist and criticized those who were faithful Christians yet still participated in exploitation and corruption. Bryan particularly found respect for a Russian novelist-sage named Leo Tolstoy who emphasized the practice of the Golden Rule--devoting oneself to treat and help others as one would want to be treated. Bryan wrote about his tour in Europe during which he observed the foreign politics. Bryan greatly admired Japan and their drive for improvement as well; he even allowed a Japanese boy Yamashita Yasichiro study by his side so that he could later apply what he learned back in Japan. Bryan also visited colonies of Western powers which fueled his arguments against imperialism. Furthermore, Bryan spoke at Chautauqua assemblies, which provided sermons about piety, adult education, as well as entertainment. He mainly delivered two speeches: "The Value of an Ideal" and "The Prince of Peace." "The Value of an Ideal" was a call to public service that connected the teachings of Jesus and Jefferson. "The Prince of Peace" speech expressed the religious foundation of morality--that good behavior was a "personal responsibility to God."
Key Terms
Social Gospel
Applied Christianity
Leo Tolstoy
Yamashita Yasichiro
Jane Addams
Chautauqua movement
Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle
How did Bryan's traveling bestow statesmanlike status?
How did Bryan differ from other progressives?
What impact did the Chautauqua circuit play on Bryan's reputation and career?
How did Bryan's speeches portray his underlying beliefs?
Whiting View Company, Hon. W.J. Bryan Addressing the Thousands Assembled at Madison, Indiana Chautauqua, July 6th, 1901, Photograph, from Library of Congress, accessed March 10, 2015,
Kazin, Michael. "Prophet on the Road." In A Godly Hero: The Life of William Jennings Bryan, 121-142, New York, NY: Anchor Books, 2006.
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