In order to win the nomination, Bryan spoke for free silver and a graduated income tax in a wider range of settings, aiming to build support for his nomination. At the Democratic Party nominating convention in Chicago, a debate was held between silver supporters and gold standard supporters. Bryan's speech captured the insurgents' belief that the silver cause was a holy cause of humanity which defended the common man and called for moral equity. Bryan's Cross of Gold speech stunned the audience and resulted in Bryan's nomination. Although Bryan's nomination created opposition from urban press and supporters of elite rule, Bryan managed to earn Populist support and create a Democratic-Populist fusion ticket. While McKinley campaigned from his front-porch with the help of Marcus Hanna, Bryan went on a railroad speaking tour in attempt to appeal to urban workers and labor organizations. His campaign created a popular culture of Bryanism which praised Bryan's Christian principles, labeling him as a godly hero. Bryan lost the election partly due to the lack of appeal to urban areas. McKinley's victory marked the end of the hope for a producer's republic, but the Democratic Party's views were altered by Bryan's campaign nonetheless.
Key Terms
Ben Tillman
Wilson-Gorman Bill
William McKinley
Chicago Coliseum
Marcus Hanna
American Federation of Labor
What did Bryan plan to do after he lost the election?
Why did Bryan not appeal to urban areas?
How could urban areas benefit from Bryan being in office?
How did Bryan's speech at the convention compare to Ben Tillman's?
What were the strengths and weaknesses of Bryan's campaign? Of McKinley's?
Bryan, William Jennings, Photograph, from Britannica Online for Kids, Accessed March 8, 2015,
American presidential election, 1896, Map, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online, accessed March 08, 2015,
Kazin, Michael. "In the Armor of a Righteous Cause." In A Godly Hero: The Life of William Jennings Bryan, 45-79. New York, NY: Anchor Books, 2006.
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